Judson has been an outpost of the Kingdom of God, shining his love and mercy into South Lansing for more than ninety years. The surrounding neighborhood has changed a lot in that time, and our society’s prevailing culture has changed even more. And yet, Judson continues to stand as a counter-culture, built on the notion that God has created us in his image to glorify him through holy lives, and that he loves us so much that, even while we rebelled against him, he paid the ultimate price to save us and make us his children.

In the midst of our fast-paced, surface-level, over-busy lives, Judson Baptist Church continues to be a place of lasting connection and belonging, where we build each other up, challenge one another, and grow together in Christ. We would love to get to know you. All are welcome at our services, whether skeptics or long-time Christians. There is no pressure to get involved; feel free to visit and get to know us at your own pace.
Are You New to Lansing?
The Capital City is a great place to live and there are many great churches here. If Judson sounds like it might be what you’re looking for, we would be honored to have you visit on an upcoming Sunday. And please check out “Our City & Parish” for more information about the city, as well as resources to get the most (and give the most) out of living here.